Business Promotional Cigar Bands
"As always, I thank you for visiting our website. As an owner of a small business, I understand what it means to properly represent your business. If you are going to place your logo on a cigar band for promotional purposes, don't you want it to represent your business in the best possible way? You will not find a higher quality cigar band at small run quantities than right here."
Mr. Fletcher, everything came in wonderful. I am smoking a cigar now and the cigar is smooth. The smell is great. Thank you for the Class A service. I can share with others on my golf trip.
They're Perfect!! Thank you again for these!! I'm so happy with them! I will be sure to send any friends your way if they're looking for cigars!!
Thanks again, really appreciate the attention to detail and personal touches on your end! Once everyone gets a look at these on the trip, I'll be sure to recommend your shop.
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